09 September 2010


BB Hardback

216x292 mm



128 pages

Search Press

A-Z of Flower Portraits

by Billy Showell

Billy Showell is a well-respected contemporary artist whose watercolour flower portraits have earned her the respect of watercolour artists all over the world. Worked to the same degree of accuracy as traditional botanical paintings, Billy's compositions are given a more contemporary twist, combining her unique eye for design with her love of flowers.

In this book, 40 flower portraits are presented, arranged in alphabetical order, each one accompanied by small studies, details, step-by-step instructions and the colour mixes used to accomplish the finished work. At the start of the book there are useful sections on the materials and equipment needed and the main techniques used, including wet-into-wet, colour blending, lifting out, layering glazes, dry brushing and colour mixing, and at the end of the book Billy gives her own unique slant on composition and discusses the importance of creating a sketchbook. Whether you love to paint, or simply love flowers, this book will delight and inspire you.

Book Contents

Introduction 6
Composition 10
Materials & equipment 22
Techniques 24
Index 128

The Flowers
Anemone 48, Aquilegia 46, Bergenia 50, Camellia 52, Clematis 54, Dicentra 56, Erythronium 58, Freesia 60, Fritillaria 62, 64, Galanthus 66, Gerbera 68, Helleborus 70, Hydrangea 72 & 74, Iris 76, Jasminum 78, Knautia 80, Lathyrus 82, Lilium 84, Lonicera 86, Magnolia 88, Narcissus 90, Nerine 92, Ornithogalum 94, Philadelphus 96, Podranea 98, Quesnelia 100, Rosa 102, Sarracenia 104, Spathiphyllum 106, Trachelospermum 108, Tulipa 110 & 112, Uvularia 114, Verbena 116, Weigela 118, Wisteria 120, Xeranthemum 122, Yucca 124, Zantedeschia 126

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