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  • Publisher: David & Charles
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 02 September 2020
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781446308202
  • Stock: 14 in stock
  • Size: 191x235 mm
  • Illustrations: 256
  • Pages: 128
  • RRP: £15.99
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The Joy of Sketch


A beginner’s guide to sketching the everyday by Jen Russell-Smith

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Book Description

Most children draw. Before we can write, even, we scribble and sketch and create. But somehow that gets lost as we get older. We learn that 'Being An Artist' is hard and complicated, and that there are technical rules to choosing colour and perfecting your perspective. This book is here to remind you of the joy you once found in creating, scribbling, getting something down on paper and that it’s really about the process and nothing to do with how technically brilliant the finished ‘artwork’ is.

In this accessible guide, largely self-taught artist Jen Russell-Smith takes beginners by the hand and breaks down the barriers we face around sketching. She shows you how to begin with quick, loose sketches building your confidence and skills to draw spontaneously, with nothing more than the things around you for inspiration. With simple exercises that anyone can follow, Jen shows you how to sketch the things and the places around you from life, using simple watercolour techniques to add vibrancy to your work.

About the Author

About Jen Russell-Smith

Jen Russell-Smith is a Surrey-based illustrator creating pen & ink drawings and watercolours inspired by beautiful houses, homes and buildings. Her style is sketchy, informal and relaxed.



Books of ideas are not exactly thin on the ground and what they cover is broadly similar. Where they stand or fall, therefore , is mainly on the quality of the illustrations and even that may come down to a matter of personal choice.

This pitches itself at the beginner and suggests a range of subjects from the contents of your pockets to hands and feet, trees and flowers, wildlife and even domestic fittings. This could be summed up as: if you see it, draw it, which is no bad idea if youre feeling stuck for inspiration. Just get your pens and pencils out and have a go.

Theres a charm about this particular implementation that gets under your skin. The illustrations are simple enough, loose enough and recognisable enough to make you feel pretty sure that yes, actually, you could manage something like that. It doesnt look too difficult and, with a little help (the text is admirably concise) and a few examples along the way, you almost certainly can.

Add in a pleasant and none-too-taxing technical introduction and some basic exercises that get you practising simple shapes without just drawing circles and ellipses and you have one of the best books in this well-served field.

Crafts Beautiful

Self-Taught artist Jen Russel Smith provides an invaluable guide to build your confidence and draw spontaneously. In this book, you'll find simple exercises to practice making quick, loose sketches of what's around you, then use simple watercolour techniques to bring them to life.

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